Friday, April 4, 2008

"My Tooth Fell Out"

Well Jenna's first tooth came out on Monday March 31. She started screaming and was really scared. We got through that episode in the morning then she was really excited about the tooth fairy coming to our house that night. We made a big effort to make sure she put her tooth in the "tooth beary" (thats a stuffed bear with a pouch for the tooth)and to set the tooth beary on her pillow. On to the next morning......Jenna woke up and was really quiet I asked her how much did the tooth fairy give her and she would not say a word.... I finally got it out of her--she was soooo mad that she did not get a bill with a 100 on it (a hundred dollars!!!) I started laughing and told her "if the tooth fairy gave $100.00 for each tooth I would not have any teeth left." She still did not quite understand but put the money in her piggy bank anyway. Two days later Emily lost a tooth and the tooth fairy gave her the same amount as Jenna. She was very glad Emily did not get $100.00

Until next time,


KingdomSeeker said...

Hi Paula,
This is Terri. Sorry used this for other ministry stuff and don't know how to change my user id name. This is the cutest picture! Love the story about the 100...I know just how you feel Jenna :)

Karen said...

Yeah Paula... You got it all figured out. I knew if anyone could figure out how to set this up it would be you. Tell Jenna I think the tooth fairy robbed her!!! Just kidding ha ha

Kristin said...

Love the story, when my oldest lost his first tooth, both of us were crying, Matt had to come in and get it out. Second one I did better, but the tooth fairy forgot to stop bye our house so Andrew got paid double, imagine how ugly the $200 bill would be.